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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

"The yogi renounces all that takes him away from the Lord. He renounces his own desires, knowing that all inspiration and right action come from the Lord. He renounces those who oppose the work of the Lord, those who spread demonic ideas and who merely talk of moral values but do not practise them." - B.K.S. Iyengar

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Beginnings

Welcome to my blog.

Yesterday was a Hindi festival of lights called Deepawali, or Diwali for short. The purpose of the festival is to celebrate the light inside us and the victory of good over evil. I lit lots of candles around my apartment and incense, and did lots of yoga.
I savored my meditation yesterday. Perhaps it takes a special occasion to truly appreciate what we have. I usually do about an hour of yoga during the day and then twenty to thirty minutes at night. Last night, I decided on Kundalini yoga for my night session, as nothing really gets the kundalini (energry coiled up at the base of the spine) moving like kapalabhati, or breath of fire. The kundalini DVD I followed is set up so that you can do preset practices to achieve various ends, such as wake up, or sleep better, balance and feeling good. I did the balance and feeling good, followed by the improved sleep. The DVD automatically keeps running to a section of breathing techniques. Normally I would just let it run while I meditated a bit and then shut off the DVD because this section runs for a half an hour, but this being a special occasion, and me already in lotus position, I decided to do it. I'm glad I did. It was really uplifting, and the physical feeling the breathing techniques gave me is almost indescribable. It was like a coolness, a tingling energy, the most beautiful sensation you could ever feel. WAH! HEY GURU! (WOW! MY GURU!). I'm going to make an early new year's resolution to do those breathing techniques more often.
The last few years of my life have been very difficult. My woes over my sister's health problems were compounded by the psychopathic scheming, treachery, and betrayal of people who claimed to be my "friends". This is the first and last time that they will be mentioned in my blog. I have reclaimed my life. I have restored what they sought to destroy. I am moving on without them. Good riddance. I have learned that it's best to avoid negative people at all cost. Otherwise, the cost may be my own life. I don't feel bad about it. I feel renewed, enlivened, and enlightened. Here's to new beginnings.


Chris said...

Welcome to blogland. Look both ways before crossing the street.

nikoeternal.com said...
